The Challenges
It was also important that this was achieved via a minimal spend, as outreach wasn’t a marketing activity that hoppa had previously looked into or budgeted for. With outreach, at times, being somewhat of a ‘hard sell’, we needed a strategy that would deliver results without requiring large scale investment.
The Solution
Using Instagram as our sole data source, we took the 50 most visited tourist destinations in the world, grouping photos taken in each location by categories which included: selfies, food, couples, landscapes and many more. Our aim was to generate headlines such as ‘the most ‘liked’ and ‘selfied’ holiday destinations on Earth’. This became ‘Insta-Holidays’.
Data was captured manually before being passed over to addmustard’s design department, where a selection of eye-catching graphics were created. Working with hoppa’s internal team, these graphics were placed on-site, surrounded by text-based content providing further insight into this innovative travel study.
The Results
Most notably, coverage was secured on CNN, Yahoo Travel, Lonely Planet and Marie Claire amongst others, achieving:
Pieces of coverage: 117+
Estimated coverage views: 1.71 million+
Social shares: 12.3 thousand+
Links from coverage: 72
Extensive global coverage (predominantly in France), providing a boost to the French version of the hoppa site.
The Client

“With addmustard’s assistance and drive this campaign exceeded everything we could’ve hoped for from an inaugural piece, and resulted in an estimated exposure of nearly two million views…”

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